Anna Hiss Residency - SDCT


UT Austin’s School of Design and Creative Technologies selected a group of Design students to create individual projects to decorate the Anna Hiss Gymnasium building, which was being re-established as a space for Design students to learn and work.

The space was previously occupied as a gymnasium for women, with an eccentric lineup of sporting events, such as archery and badminton. I aimed to tie the history of the building to the Design program.

Goal: To create physical designs related to the Anna Hiss Gymnasium that decorate the new area and inspire school spirit within Design majors.

Round 01: Ideation

Knowing that I wanted to experiment with Iconography, I created a collection of icons reflecting different parts of the gymnasium: patterns in the architecture, color swatches, and symbols representing the history of the space.

Aiming to tie back to the history of the sports existing in the space, I proposed the development of banners traditionally used for sports teams, but these would be advertising the fictional “Texas Design” team.

Round 02: Refinement 

My professors and peers advised to change the designs to be less specific to the Anna Hiss building, and more specific towards the Design program. I changed my designs to be adjacent to the SDCT branding in color and typography choice, while still retaining some of my personal style. 

Round 03: Production

Round 04: Installation

The final banners were installed in a room next to the main entrance of the building. The timing and budget of the project were not enough to make more products than the final five, but I would have gladly continued if there were extra resources.

This project taught me a lot about printmaking, installation, and made me really care about the use of physical materials and analogue work. I also learned more about building visual identities and iconography. Working on this helped me narrow down what my true passions were within graphic design.